
The Historical Collection

The Museum, which gives place for historical collection, is the youngest institution of the Organisation of Museums in Nógrád County. The museum has a thirty-year-old history — the first exhibition was opened in 1975.

The collection has two complementary parts; one of them is the wider historical collection, which deals with the historical museology of Nógrád County to the middle of the nineteenth century. The other part in the narrow sense is the local history of the city Szécsény and its close surroundings.

The collection that also contains entire legacy has two main parts: the historical object collection and the historical document collection.

The object collection is continuously growing since 1956, as the part of the Museum in Balassagyarmat. In 1974 the collection moved to the Museum in Szécsény, where its objects were taken in inventory. There are two main remarkable types: the furniture and the objects of fine arts.

In the collecting work is the role of the association of the museum-friends in Szécsény remarkable. Their activities helped to expand the collection of the local handcrafts: the museums owns besides parts of hat-, barber-, butcher-, shoemaker shop and a smithy, entire grocery, pharmacy and photo atelier.

The document-collection has 3 parts — there are written and printed documents and graphics as well. The inventory has been taking since 1979. Among the written documents we can mention charters, gild papers, deeds, protocols, economical records etc. The printed documents can be characterised by posters, leaflets, advertisements, bonds, bankbooks and printed matters.

The graphics contains historical drawings, printed pictures, postcards and maps.

Besides the main collection the museum owns auxiliary collection such as the one of archive, manuscripts and pictures. The inventory in the archive is continuous since 1979 and most of the documents belong to the latest history of Szécsény. In the manuscript collection, which is in fact part of the archive has been taking in inventory since 1981. The pictures contain mostly portraits, city pictures and pictures of historical monuments, all has been inventorying since 1981.